David Csaszar - Abstract Expressionist Painter
Today, we feature USA abstract expressionist painter David Csaszar, and feature some of his incredible abstract art.
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David Csaszar
Favorite Quote: “I create art out of love for life!”
I’m mostly a self-taught artist and through out my life I found the type of art I like doing, and that is abstract expressionism in which I have no boundaries to express myself, as I let my artwork do that.
Earliest experiences with art
When I started in the arts I was very young and one time I painted a painting of mushrooms for a lady and she loved it. I also did many drawings for my art class back in my junior year. In the tenth grade I started doing my first abstracts, and after that my art teachers were set back by my imagination.
Art and Music
When I do my artwork today I do sometimes listen to music such as jazz or orchestrations as I paint as I composing the creation of my work of art.
Also see: Watercolor Artworks by Cynthia Warden
Do you have a day job besides art?
I do work part time as a commercial painter in many office buildings.
Artistic Process
In my artwork I apply layers of color to create a sense of depth and a feeling of space and add lines of color to create movement in which creates forms of active space to give the viewer a feel of purely visual contact with the painting. The above elements contribute to the whole composition to create movement in its purist form.
Artist with the most influences on me are Picasso, Kandinsky & Pollock
Online Art Promotion
For the last few years I been promoting my artwork online using several outlets and mostly using Fine Arts America to promote.
Free style drawings by Graham Matthews: Freestyle drawings
Exhibited at Fine Art at the Village of Rochester, Mi.2008
Ronald McDonald House in Detroit, Mi.2009
Art Coordinator for CCAN Chizzy’s Charities Artist Network 2010
Exhibited at the Community Legal Resources in the Ford Building in Detroit 2010
Art donated to The Art Experience, Pontiac, Mi.Fundraiser Port's O' Call Dec 4th, 2011
Padzieski Art Gallery Line & Form Exhibit July 19 – August 24, 2012
Art Takes Time Square 2012
Art and Life
My life in general is a private life of an artist in which at times I do like being around people with the same interest. I think the highlights in my life as an artist was my first art exhibit. I can’t live my life again but if I did it would be in the arts. Only the future can tell if my art will be exceptive to the general populist.
Advice for emerging artists
For emerging artist find what you are good at and work at for the rest of your life because once you choose to become an artist there is no turning back.
David Csaszar - Abstract Expressionist Painter
Website: http://david-csaszar.artistwebsites.com/
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