Amazing 3D Anamorphic Drawings that Appear to Pop off the Page
Anamorphosis in drawing makes the drawing appear 3 dimensional when viewed from a certain angle. The drawing actually appears distorted when viewing from other perspectives. This technique has been around for a long time - first pioneered by Leonardo da Vinci.
But, modern day anamorphic artists have brought anamorphic drawings to a whole new level. In pavement art, an entire environment is transformed. Artists have created drawings that appear to pop off the page or folded paper, and fool our eyes into believing its real.
Some of the images are unbelievable! To heighten the illusion, anamorphic drawings often make use of shadows and parts of an image appearing outside of the paper.
In this post, we feature the amazing anamorphic drawings of Ramon Bruin and Alessandro Diddi.
See some awesome caricature illustrations here:
Hand Anamorphic Drawing - Alessandro Diddi
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
In this drawing, the hand appears to be floating above the paper, accentuated by the shadow underneath and thumb protruding of the page. The hand also appears to be holding a ring.
Hanging Box Anamorphic Art - Alessandro Diddi
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
In this anamorphic drawing, it appears as though a box-like shape is dangling above the paper, held by two real fingers. Notice that even the shadow from the finger is drawn. The real light source also casts a shadow on a real pencil.
Dolphin Anamorphic Drawing - Alessandro Diddi
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
Wow! This one is pretty amazing! A dolphin appears to jump off the paper through a hoop. The hoop looks to be constructed from a strip of paper, and held by the anamorphic artist.
Snake Anamorphic Drawing - Alessandro Diddi
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
This anamorphic drawing has an interesting effect. A snake appears to leave the drawing as the artist is working.
Art controlling the Artist - Alessandro Diddi
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
Here, two drawn figures appear to control the artist’s pencil. One controls the direction of the line, while the other influences the angle. A lot of planning must have went into this incredible drawing!
Ship Anamorphic Drawing - Ramon Bruin
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
A ship is drawn on 3 separate pieces of paper by Dutch artist Ramon Bruin. He does an awesome job at making it appear completely 3 dimensional!
Airplanes – Anamorphic Drawings - Ramon Bruin
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
Here, Ramon Bruin drew three separate airplanes using 5 sheets of paper. Simply amazing!
Snake Eggs Anamorphic Drawing - Ramon Bruin
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
This drawing appears to have three layers. It has hatching snakes eggs with baby snakes coming out and slithering up and around the layers. Amazing talent and planning displayed here!
Snake Monster Anamorphic Drawing - Ramon Bruin
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
In this anamorphic drawing, a snake like monster pierces and flows under the paper. The torn paper enhances the 3-D effect here. Amazing drawing by Ramon Bruin.
Bird and Feather Anamorphic Drawing - Ramon Bruin
Source: Where Cool Things Happen
In the final anamorphic drawing by Ramon Bruin, a feather appears to be held by the artist, as a black bird (raven?) flies away.
Also take a look at the amazing images in these posts:
Photo Manipulation Photographs
Tribal Tattoos
Please leave some feedback on these incredible anamorphic drawings.
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